Title: The Sound of Perseverance
Artist: Death
Released: 1998 RATING: 5/5
The Good: Death's final album, The Sound of Perseverance, builds on everything Death had done up to this point, from Scream Bloody Gore to Symbolic. There are definately Progressive/ classic metal traits throughout the album, but they are merely pieces of the puzzle rather than dominant elements. Every song on the album is memorable in some way or another, the musicianship is breathtaking, and the album never really gets repetitive. There's not much more that I can say that hasn't been already about this masterpiece; just give it a listen through. It is beyond worth it.
The Bad: It ends. All jokes aside, there are really no negatives unless you have a problem with Chuck Schuldiner's voice here; but then, the guitar makes up for it ten times over.
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