Title: Age of Quarrel
Artist: Cro-Mags
Released: 1986 RATING: 4/5
The Good: This album is borderline for the blog, but it fits right in very well with the whole Crossover movement, so it's all good.Cro-Mags were important in the mid/late eighties Punk/Metal scene, combining punk's aggression with metal riffs and a whole lot of awesome. Age of Quarrel is chock-full of great songs; the energy is immense, it has a ton of attitude, and the songs are about as catchy as any hardcore punk songs could ever hope to be. Only one of the songs excedes four minutes (by two seconds...), and they hold up very well over multiple listens. Age of Quarrel, along with other works by Suicidal Tendencies, D.R.I., and a few others, is a Crossover benchmark, for sure, and a great Punk/Metal album overall.
The Bad: The singer's voice is, well, not so good, and the production is not that strong. Also, though there are several terrific songs, I never really found a "knockout" track, you know, the song you listen to the album for.
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