Title: Heroes of Origin
Artist: Hatriot
Released: 2013 RATING: 4.5
The Good: 4.5 might seem a bit much for a work that was released so recently. I would like to defend this, however, by stating that Heroes Of Origin really is one of the best Thrash albums I have ever heard, top-to-bottom. Even the songs I don't care for much are still awesome. The band is led by former Exodus front man Steve Souza, who sounds every bit as venomous and angry as he did when back in the late 80's. The musicality of the record is awesome, with every band member performing at a very high level. While the comparison may be unfair, Hatriot's guitarists manage to sound like a modern-day H-Team, as they shell out riff after tasty riff, not to mention the killer solos. This isn't to imply that they sound like copy-cats, but quite the opposite: their playing just sounds that good. "The Violent Times of My Dark Passenger" is a truly outstanding song in all of its ominous glory, with great lyrics to boot. Other killer tracks include "Globicidal", "Murder American Style", "Blood-Stained Wings", and "Weapons of Class Destruction", though the whole album is great, and every song worth listening to. Again, not trying to eliminate Hatriot's individuality in any way, but the way I see it, Heroes today stands just as strong in comparison to the field as Fabulous Disaster did in the 80's. As with Exodus before them, other bands are doing what Hatriot are doing, just not as well.
The Bad: Flawless is a very strong word, but I have no complaints.
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