Title: Annihilation of the Wicked
Artist: Nile
Released: 2005 RATING - 4/5
The Good: Nile is well known for their combination of brutal, uber-technical death metal and Middle Eastern/Egyptian elements. While some of the band's fans regard Black Seeds of Vengeance or In Their Darkened Shrines as superior albums, Annihilation boasts a tremendous set of songs, as well as super-clear production, which allows the band's extraordinary musicianship to be fully appreciated. "Cast Down the Heretic" is an awesome first song, especially because of its contrasting brutality to the relaxed, instrumental track that officially kicks off the album. There are some very long songs, but they are not without variety, thus preventing any boring, adreniline filled riff-fests that plague lesser works (think Pleasures of the Flesh, for example). The album as a whole is fantastic, and should be at the top of anyone's list when checking out Death Metal for the first time.
The Bad: The vocals are an acquired taste, even by Death Metal standards, as they are sung at such a deep pitch. Some of the songs can be a bit obnoxious, with three lasting over eight minutes long.
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