Title: Outer Isolation
Artist: Vektor
Released: 2011 RATING: 4.5/5
The Good: I thought I'd start with something fairly recent. Vektor is a younger band originally from Arizona, who's debut album Black Future (Which I will write about later...) was released in 2008. At the risk of sounding overly "hype", I would like to say that I've never heard something quite like this. Building spectacularly off of their hard-to-follow-up debut, Vektor delivers another out-of-this-world record. The production is great; it's very modern, all the instruments are very clear, the guitars have crunch to them, and it doesn't sound overly heavy like such albums as Exodus's The Atrocity Exhibition - Exhibit A and B, or Testament's The Formation of Damnation. While I am not devaluing such production (all of those records sound great), my point is that it would not work with Vektor's style, as I see it. Anyway, the record is a tour-de-force in technical proficiency, and yet it never really sacrifices melody to achieve this. Even with David DiSanto's harsh vocals, the songs can be borderline catchy in some places. I've heard a lot about how "Evile is going to the top of the thrash scene!" and "Municiple Waste is amazing, and so is Toxic Holocaust!" That's all fine and good. But to be honest, if more people knew about Vektor, they'd probably feel pretty silly about those comments. Because they're that good.
The Bad: It's not as good as Black Future. And it makes me really excited for the next album. Those aren't really knocks on the album though, cause there aren't really any unless you don't like the vocals. And if that's all that's keeping you away from Vektor, then you are really missing out.
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